2015 MTA Budget
- Source: Emma G. Fitzsimmons, “M.T.A. Approves Budget, but Deal Cuts 2nd Ave. Line Funding,” The New York Times, October 28, 2015. link
- Tags: budget mta second-avenue todo
Board of Estimate approves Second Avenue bond vote
- Source: “$500,000,000 VOTED FOR 2D AVE. SUBWAY BY ESTIMATE BOARD,” The New York Times, September 14, 1951. link
- Tags: bonds mta second-avenue todo
Board of Estimate approves Second Avenue Subway and 11 other new routes
- Program cost of $1.26bil was to be split
- $600mil from state from bond issue ($2.5bil approved by voters in November 1967)
- $500mil from city, “borrowed through its capital-budget allocations”
- rest from federal
- Changed SAS plan from four track to two tracks
- Source: “City Approves 2d Ave. Subway And 11 Other New Transit Line,” The New York Times, September 21, 1968. link
- Tags: expansion mta second-avenue